Monday, February 6, 2012

Hoping for some candy bars

When I was a kid,I used to fall sick frequently and its a normal routine for my parents to travel back and forth to the hospital.Even when I return now,the doctors will be showing my records and tell me how I had been a loyal paying guest to the hospital.

There was an episode where I had to be given an injection on my back and of course being a kid I was terribly afraid of that long-intimidating syringe. Before the doctor gets his needles ready,he starts a simple conversation such as ''What's your name?'' How old are you and then he jumped to '' what you wanted to be when you grew up?''
While I was there,having a silent war on my mind whether to answer Doctor or Lawyer, he was already done with that shot on my back.Then,all that follows was a complete silence except for that 'Ouch' sound from my mouth.

You see,he carefully distracted me from the pain by diverting my thoughts to wander somewhere else. Of course before I left the room, he gave me some candy bars that's more than enough to take away all the pain in the world. The point is I don't remember the doctor's face,what's more his name.I don't even remember how painful the OUCH was,but till today I can never forget those candies and the child-like grin on my face.

I'm doing the same thing now,distracting my pain to something else.I'm not running away or trying to fix things around me.I have decided to sit cross legged on the floor of the cliff and concentrate on the breath taking view from here.This time I am set with a blanket and a tent. Instead of letting the phone kept on ringing,I've decided to pick up the call.I'm not happy nor sad,I'm just contended and grateful for all the little things that I'm having right now.

I admit that my life wasn't shaping the way I want it to be,at times I wish I could hold the key to my own destiny. Perhaps,as the saying goes..'we cannot change the cards we are dealt,just how we play the hand' would be appropriate to be made as a reference in my book called life. 

Who knows one day,maybe I will be able to forget the pain and all I could remember was those tiny small victories in the form of candy bars..

One more thing, you don't always get a chance to stand on top of a cliff ....


  1. thats the trick... we need something to distract us from the pain and we forget about it.. but till that time we keep on remembering the pain and the hard times and the agony and feel dejected and sad....

    1. yeah sometimes we have to drift away so that we can move on :)

  2. Not everyday you get to stand at the edge of a cliff. Bask in the view for a while and jump. You'll land straight and life shall only be beautiful after that. I did, trust me, it works.

  3. Beautiful. A wonderful way to trick your mind into thinking life is perfect, when maybe it is not. Experiences have taught me that both good and bad times do not stay for long. So it is best to enjoy life as it is. Because it definitely is a super fast plane huh??!!!

  4. Doctors always know the tricks to get their jobs done on the patients. It's really like a bitter sweet memories. Your fear of the syringe is replaced with sweet memories of the candy bars. :)

  5. The wind is relaxing na :)

    Keep relishing on the candy bars...but not so much you end up in a dental clinic :P

    Docs are not that bad or evil :P

    1. Ouch Im scared of dentist..I'll def keep that on mind

      Nah,Docs are good..really good :)

  6. very interesting kid time story.
    so how about you now? lawyer or doctor? or neither both?

    hihi :P

    thanks anyway. and you should know for what this thanks is dedicated :)

    1. Neither both...:P

      You are most welcomed boy :)

      and thanks too :)

  7. I have this on my list to read for a couple of days and I am glad I read it Today, the day I surely needed it, to remind myself of these tiny victories. The look from a cliff is awesome, let's focus on what makes sense now - the rest on the background will be there always but at least we will have experienced beauty, and this by itself is great!
    Take care sis. xx

    1. Hey Sis
      Thanks a lot for reading..I always like to see u around here :)
      What matters the most is the present moment :)
      you too take care

  8. You cannot spend the rest of your life on the edge of a cliff, can you? So why escape? Never take life so seriously; nobody escapes here alive :)

    "We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand" - brilliantly said. That should be the approach throughout, barring the occasional slips. Good luck!

    1. yes you are more escaping..just chilling around ;)

      Thanks buddy

      Wishing you lots of luck too :D

  9. ohh.. Poor you :P And you think too much. It's a curse :) The more you run after something, the more it runs away from you. Don't try to shape your life, just shape your day, one at a time :)

    1. yeah Its really a curse..cant stop fact I think all the time :)
      Yes at a time :)

      Thanks man :D

  10. Sometimes we just have to distract ourselves and let our minds wander. You can't run away forever though. If you want to change something then work out what it is, then work on changing it. I don't think we ever forget pain though.

    1. Hmmm..some pain are just too hard to forget

      Thanks for dropping by :)

  11. A spectacular transformation from the previous post

    Loved the new you :)

    Stay Blessed ^_^

    1. Thanks S..i hope u get better soon too :)

      stay blessed :)

  12. I have a very cute image of you in my head. Of little you at the Doctor's. :-) I hope and pray that one day you will be able to forget the pain. I really do. Much love and luck. <3

    1. Awww..:') thank you..yeah I was kinda cute when I were a kid :P...yeah the day will come soon :)

      thanks dear for your kindness:)

  13. Well, if one forget the pain,

    how would s/he be able to cherish happiness?

    its darkness which makes light important. Right?

    1. Pleasure comes after pain..but some pain shld be just forgotten so that we can attain absolute pleasure :)

      I agree with you..darkness which makes light important :)

      thanks for dropping by :)

  14. what a way to bring together two varied instances!!
    Loved itt!


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